Tuesday, February 10, 2009

30 days and counting

Oh my gosh I am getting married in 30 days!!! Come Friday I can say a month but in reality I am just excited it will be Friday the 13th.

The face bought us google phones but I have yet to figure out how to blog on it. Twitter yes; check my google reader learned today. I am so afraid I am going to get in trouble. I check it like every five minutes.

Part of the problem is that we recently laid off 10 employees. That is a lot when you only have 69 employees. But then again we also had temps which we have 86d. So our warehouse is sooooo quiet. No one is working. The phones aren’t ringing. There is barely any mail coming in. So it kinda sucks. I am sitting here all excited about my wedding (freaking out about how to pay and whether or not we can afford a honeymoon) and people are worried about losing their jobs. Should I be worried or have I absorbed enough useless job info that I will be safe. A part of me wants to be the next round to be axed. More time to concentrate on the wedding and to work on possibly going back to school and definite time to work on art.

Random comment/side note. I am so tired. I don’t feel as though I am sleeping at all. Maybe it is because I am stressed out. I think I am losing weight (may think not a bad thing) but I think I am eating. Losing weight when you are trying is one thing, but losing weight and having no clue how is scary.

Good puppy comment!! So I have been trying to get the pups to learn how to sit on command. Oddly enough Rackham got it. I say sit and he sits and waits for that miniscule treat. Such a good boy! Toulouse doesn’t get it. I say sit and Rackham sits immediately and Toulouse just looks at me. To make matters worse I keep saying sit directly to Toulouse and Rackham will scoot his fanny still in the sitting position closer to me to show me HE is sitting. The things that pup will do for food. I am gonna keep working on it with Toulouse. When we first got him he did it, but only if you said it in Spanish. Go figure.

Friday, January 30, 2009

6 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Oh my gosh ~ today is 6 weeks till my Wedding!!! My friends keep asking me if I am nervous. I’m not nervous just anxious. Is it weird that I am almost offended that people are asking me if I am nervous? Nervous would suggest I am not 100% sure that I am marrying the right person. That’s it for now, I just was forced to do one of those lame 2 things about me things and it has totally thrown me, blahhhh


1) hate these things and all things chain mail related

2) miss everyone I went to college with, even the people I didn’t like when I was in college!

3) don’t regret my past or the things that happened to me that were not my fault

4) am marrying my HS boyfriend

5) work in accounting and hate myself for it

6) wish I was more dedicated to my artwork

7) love bad B-flicks

8) want kids but not sure if I am anywhere near ready

9) have the best guy friends in the world, Dave K Josh Samir Rob G (hence why they are my bridesmen at my wedding)

10) just bought a house in philly but miss home

11) can’t wait to clean my house this weekend

12) have two puppies that are monsters

13) is my favorite number

14) am the most serious yet goofy person you might ever meet

15) love skull and crossbones (currently wearing a bow with a skull in my hair, and yes I am at my office job)

16) mac nerd

17) wish I was better technologically advanced but I have Matt for that

18) bookworm (I joined a book club and I haven’t been excited this in years)

19) check my email 50 times a day

20) freaked out by bugs, but I had a pet millipede named Nessie

21) allergic to casein, makes my life almost impossible

22) wish I could dye my hair blue again

23) love power tools, Home Depot is awesome

24) ate Sonic once and it was amazing

25) don’t eat red meat or pork, but promised Matt that one year before I get pregnant I will start to eat red meat

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

please dont crash

I have not written in ages. But that is not 100% my fault. I usually write my blog while I am at work. Simply because the puppies make life difficult and it is hard to do anything besides sit still and let them lick your face. But lately, whenever I try to post my blog my system crashes and then I am like ‘dammit I am not rewriting that!!” SO here is yet another attempt. (work computer, please don’t crash)

Anyway, today is 1/27/09 that means something like 44 days till my wedding. Ahhhhh! I spoke with one of my bridesmen last night and even he was like. “Yeah dude, you must be freakin’. Your wedding is like a month away.” Thanks to my loving friend but yes I am. Not freaking because I don’t wanna get married, but freaking because I am a control freak. All my friends are aware and this friend is particular has been on the wrong end of a PMS fit more than once. I think he is slightly glad that I am getting married so when I get in one of my moods I don’t arrive at his house and demand he let me organize something or clean something. I didn’t like my roommate so I pretty much lived on his couch. But I think we all lived on that couch. We would all roll by on a Friday night and not leave till Sunday.

But back to me and my wedding. So yes, we still have not chosen a honeymoon location nor have we figured out what we are doing with the pups. But my current freak out is my tattoos. I have a bunch, and I say that as if I have small elegantly placed ones. But they aren’t. I have a huge chest piece that is in no way hide able. I have a back piece and a piece under my left bicep. I normally cover these with my clothing. I work in a conservative office environment and keep that side of personality under wraps. But I had planned to wither buy a dress to cover them or wear a garment and the final answer was use tattoo cover-up. I had my trial over the weekend and I wanted to cry. She had to cake so much on that I am worried the makeup will damage my dress or the coat I will wear. Now I am contemplating coming out of the proverbial tattoo closet. I am so scared. My parents are extremely conservative and they paid for most of the wedding. I don’t want to embarrass them. I understand that this would mean that I am an embarrassment and that this is my wedding day. But I care what they think. And yes, at some point I would have to come out of the closet. I am 28 I want to have kids and play at the beach and show my parents pictures of that. But I have a sister who is 5 years older than me. She also has tattoos and she keeps it a secret as well. Her husband has this amazing piece on his bicep of my sister as a pinup. It is so hot!

I don’t know what to do. I am having lunch with my mom on Feb 14th. Hopefully I will grow a pair and tell her. I know it will make the face so happy to see his blushing bride walk down the aisle all tatted up.

Friday, December 12, 2008

so little time

I am been neglecting the blog and the twitter and the im and everything else computer related - sadly that includes the future hubby face. But it is all for good and bad reason.

Work I hate, not just because of what I do but the sheer fact of getting up at 7am and having to leave my puppies all day. They look at me from their crate all snuggles up as if to say "we would rather snuggle with you". But lately work has intensified. Our HR person was out on disability due to being on a city bus that was hit by an oncoming car. Crazy major pileup. She wasn’t taken to the hospital but she had previous back issues so the accident just made it worse. So she has been out since September. About 3 weeks ago I was approached to take over payroll. Not a major deal, think about it. I get to learn yet another mundane office skill that can be performed at any office location around the world. I am definitely okay with that. But the previous person doing HR was not being helpful. She was actually kinda hindering my process. And now she is back. She did a speedy recovery when they told her I was taking over her duties. But the hard thing is today she finds out they are still going to let me take over the payroll. It makes sense. I am half trained and she will only be working part time. There is no way she will be able to do all of her work.

But that isn’t the only reason I have been super busy. We bought a house and we close today. Moving day starts tonight. We have been packing for weeks and we sign paperwork today. Two crazy kids from Jersey buying property like real adults. I am a little freaked out. I have always thought of myself as a nomadic person, hence the office skills that can go anywhere. Now I might be rooted to Philly for a little while. With the wedding coming up it seems everyone in our families keeps telling us to think of creating a baby room. A baby room!!!?? I am thinking more along the lines of an awesome command center for computers and gaming. I have two dogs and another coming after the wedding, why would I want a baby. I mean I want a baby don’t get me wrong. I am just not ready. We are practically in the poor house. Don’t tell my mom but I used all the wedding money she gave me for the house. Shhh - But I promise to put it back. So our entire weekend will consist of a vary of friends and family helping us move our lives into this new house. I feel so adult it is creepy. I almost want to do something stupid to prove I am still not old enough.

So that is my crazy life – next wedding!

Friday, November 14, 2008

So we got our HOUSE!! Yayayay

We found out yesterday, NOV 13th you gotta love our luck. Plus it was an anniversary of sorts as well. So it was a good day all around. We close on Dec 12th and the moving in starts Dec 13th. So the face is thinking of having a small party to celebrate. I wanna wait till after the wedding. So we are planning a huge party in May – like everyone we know. I figure a lot of people are not invited to the wedding so this is a way to celebrate that with them as well. Plus I don’t want the party before the wedding because I feel as though there is enough going on that I may kill someone.

Plus just think moving in is 3 months till the wedding. THREE months, I think I may have a panic attack at my desk. I don’t get to even talk to the caterers till February. I can’t tell if I am excited or really freaked out by all this. But all I know is I love my baby face and I can’t wait for this to all be over.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

OMG – and yes I just typed OMG

Today is 4 months till my wedding day! I seriously can’t believe it is almost here. I mean I might have a panic attack thinking about this. I am trying on my dress in 12 days to see if it needs to be altered. We have ordered the flowers booked the officiant. Once the new year hits I think I will freak out every day.

The house buying process is horrible. I swear the powers that be do not want us to have this house. But the face promised me a teacup Chihuahua if we get the house. I have her all picked out. I am so excited a little girl puppy that stays small. She will get lot of little outfits and pink. I did just say pink! But mind you the stipulations of getting my new little baby involve us getting out house. Which I am actually opposed to. We are being dicked around and it is pissing me off. If anyone has ever met me they know a pissed of me is a bad bad thing.

So to sum things up from the last time. It is very cold here, the pups are naughty, wedding is drawing near, I hate my job and want to go back to school, and I wish I was in bed still. TTFN