Friday, January 30, 2009


1) hate these things and all things chain mail related

2) miss everyone I went to college with, even the people I didn’t like when I was in college!

3) don’t regret my past or the things that happened to me that were not my fault

4) am marrying my HS boyfriend

5) work in accounting and hate myself for it

6) wish I was more dedicated to my artwork

7) love bad B-flicks

8) want kids but not sure if I am anywhere near ready

9) have the best guy friends in the world, Dave K Josh Samir Rob G (hence why they are my bridesmen at my wedding)

10) just bought a house in philly but miss home

11) can’t wait to clean my house this weekend

12) have two puppies that are monsters

13) is my favorite number

14) am the most serious yet goofy person you might ever meet

15) love skull and crossbones (currently wearing a bow with a skull in my hair, and yes I am at my office job)

16) mac nerd

17) wish I was better technologically advanced but I have Matt for that

18) bookworm (I joined a book club and I haven’t been excited this in years)

19) check my email 50 times a day

20) freaked out by bugs, but I had a pet millipede named Nessie

21) allergic to casein, makes my life almost impossible

22) wish I could dye my hair blue again

23) love power tools, Home Depot is awesome

24) ate Sonic once and it was amazing

25) don’t eat red meat or pork, but promised Matt that one year before I get pregnant I will start to eat red meat

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