Tuesday, February 10, 2009

30 days and counting

Oh my gosh I am getting married in 30 days!!! Come Friday I can say a month but in reality I am just excited it will be Friday the 13th.

The face bought us google phones but I have yet to figure out how to blog on it. Twitter yes; check my google reader learned today. I am so afraid I am going to get in trouble. I check it like every five minutes.

Part of the problem is that we recently laid off 10 employees. That is a lot when you only have 69 employees. But then again we also had temps which we have 86d. So our warehouse is sooooo quiet. No one is working. The phones aren’t ringing. There is barely any mail coming in. So it kinda sucks. I am sitting here all excited about my wedding (freaking out about how to pay and whether or not we can afford a honeymoon) and people are worried about losing their jobs. Should I be worried or have I absorbed enough useless job info that I will be safe. A part of me wants to be the next round to be axed. More time to concentrate on the wedding and to work on possibly going back to school and definite time to work on art.

Random comment/side note. I am so tired. I don’t feel as though I am sleeping at all. Maybe it is because I am stressed out. I think I am losing weight (may think not a bad thing) but I think I am eating. Losing weight when you are trying is one thing, but losing weight and having no clue how is scary.

Good puppy comment!! So I have been trying to get the pups to learn how to sit on command. Oddly enough Rackham got it. I say sit and he sits and waits for that miniscule treat. Such a good boy! Toulouse doesn’t get it. I say sit and Rackham sits immediately and Toulouse just looks at me. To make matters worse I keep saying sit directly to Toulouse and Rackham will scoot his fanny still in the sitting position closer to me to show me HE is sitting. The things that pup will do for food. I am gonna keep working on it with Toulouse. When we first got him he did it, but only if you said it in Spanish. Go figure.

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