Friday, December 12, 2008

so little time

I am been neglecting the blog and the twitter and the im and everything else computer related - sadly that includes the future hubby face. But it is all for good and bad reason.

Work I hate, not just because of what I do but the sheer fact of getting up at 7am and having to leave my puppies all day. They look at me from their crate all snuggles up as if to say "we would rather snuggle with you". But lately work has intensified. Our HR person was out on disability due to being on a city bus that was hit by an oncoming car. Crazy major pileup. She wasn’t taken to the hospital but she had previous back issues so the accident just made it worse. So she has been out since September. About 3 weeks ago I was approached to take over payroll. Not a major deal, think about it. I get to learn yet another mundane office skill that can be performed at any office location around the world. I am definitely okay with that. But the previous person doing HR was not being helpful. She was actually kinda hindering my process. And now she is back. She did a speedy recovery when they told her I was taking over her duties. But the hard thing is today she finds out they are still going to let me take over the payroll. It makes sense. I am half trained and she will only be working part time. There is no way she will be able to do all of her work.

But that isn’t the only reason I have been super busy. We bought a house and we close today. Moving day starts tonight. We have been packing for weeks and we sign paperwork today. Two crazy kids from Jersey buying property like real adults. I am a little freaked out. I have always thought of myself as a nomadic person, hence the office skills that can go anywhere. Now I might be rooted to Philly for a little while. With the wedding coming up it seems everyone in our families keeps telling us to think of creating a baby room. A baby room!!!?? I am thinking more along the lines of an awesome command center for computers and gaming. I have two dogs and another coming after the wedding, why would I want a baby. I mean I want a baby don’t get me wrong. I am just not ready. We are practically in the poor house. Don’t tell my mom but I used all the wedding money she gave me for the house. Shhh - But I promise to put it back. So our entire weekend will consist of a vary of friends and family helping us move our lives into this new house. I feel so adult it is creepy. I almost want to do something stupid to prove I am still not old enough.

So that is my crazy life – next wedding!